Delivery & Returns

3.1. Before delivering your goods, one of the seller’s representatives will confirm the delivery address and other details, based on the terms you agreed with the seller when you placed your order.

3.2. The seller will attempt to deliver your goods within seven days of you placing your order. If you wish to make other arrangements, you will have to make arrangements to take delivery in line with the agreed changes.

3.3. The Seller will always try to meet stated delivery dates. But if the delivery date is not critical, the seller will not be liable for any losses, costs, damages or expenses you, or any third-party incurred, either directly or indirectly, because of the estimated delivery date not being achieved.

3.4. When you place your order, some products may be out of stock. If the seller can't deliver the products within seven days (see Clause 3.2) one of the sellers representatives will contact you to explain the position and you will have the option to cancel your order, get a total refund or choose to have your order delivered at a later date.

3.5. Once the goods have been delivered, title and risk in the goods will pass to you. 

3.6. The seller will aim to deliver your goods the following day, where possible. This does not apply where weekends are involved. Your goods will be transported by Yodel. When you are ordering, always make sure you fill in your contact details on the checkout screen. 

3.7. If you want goods delivered to the Highlands, Islands or the Republic of Ireland, you should check with the seller before you order, because shipping charges depend on size, weight and destination. Unless there are clear indications to the contrary, the seller will ship your goods within two days of you placing your order. The seller will give you notice of any delays or cancellations.


See Sellers Returns policy.